While it is important to consider what a new tool is able to aide you and students with, it's perhaps even more important to maintain a clear vision of what needs to be accomplished from a curriculum and pedagogy standpoint. If we start from the goals and objectives then technology can come alongside our design. Considering the tool first could narrow the scope of what is possible.
A student response system I'm thinking would be useful in this situation is Pear Deck. This is a much more conducive tool for creating an in-class background knowledge probe. As a bonus, it is connected to the Google suite of apps, so students can use their existing Google Accounts. All I need to do is set up a session for the students, point them to PearDeck.com, give them the session code and they are on their way with no training needed.
Give it a whirl at PearDeck.com or with your student response system of choice.