A review of the goals and outcomes of the Michigan Hybrid Watermilfoil project. Volunteers contributed watermilfoil samples for genetic analysis in 2018 and 2019. The goals of the study were to better understand the extent of hybrid watermilfoil in Michigan's inland lakes and to develop effective management strategies.
This webinar was presented on May 6, 2021, featuring speaker Dr. Ryan Thum of Montana State University, the lead researcher on the project. The webinar was hosted by Dr. Jo Latimore and Erick Elgin from Michigan State University Extension, who coordinated the public participation component of the project. Following his presentation, Dr. Thum answered questions from attendees.
For more information on this project, contact Dr. Thum at ryan.thum@montana.edu, Dr. Latimore at latimor1@msu.edu, or Mr. Elgin at elgineri@msu.edu.