15:15duration 15 minutes 15 seconds
GEO331: 2B. The Physical Geography of Canada:…
GEO331: 2B. The Physical Geography of Canada: Geology and Landforms (2)
15:23duration 15 minutes 23 seconds
GEO330: Introduction to the Intermontane West…
GEO330: Introduction to the Intermontane West & MexAmerica
05:09duration 5 minutes 9 seconds
GEO206: Let's Review: Drainage Basins
17:00duration 17 minutes 0 seconds
GEO206: Introduction to Fluvial Geomorphology
26:18duration 26 minutes 18 seconds
ISS310: Water Resource Management
27:26duration 27 minutes 26 seconds
GEO204: Austral on the Map
21:19duration 21 minutes 19 seconds
08:03duration 8 minutes 3 seconds
ISS310: Managing Earth's Water Resources
20:30duration 20 minutes 30 seconds
GEO330: Intermontane West & MexAmerica:…
GEO330: Intermontane West & MexAmerica: Physical Setting
06:40duration 6 minutes 40 seconds
GEO206: Review of Quiz: Fluvial Geomorphology
06:46duration 6 minutes 46 seconds
05:00duration 5 minutes 0 seconds
ISS310: Introduction to the Biosphere
18:50duration 18 minutes 50 seconds
The Nile River Basin Water Health and Conflict