09:12duration 9 minutes 12 seconds
VM 525-2021 Intro to Digestive system and to…
VM 525-2021 Intro to Digestive system and to course
01:55duration 1 minute 55 seconds
VM 525-Muscles of the head of the horse…
VM 525-Muscles of the head of the horse (dissection video)
03:12duration 3 minutes 12 seconds
VM 525-Hyoid apparatus (video presentation)
05:04duration 5 minutes 4 seconds
VM 525-Bovine salivary glands and oral cavity
08:11duration 8 minutes 11 seconds
VM 525-Lobes and ligaments of the carnivore liver
VM 525 Day 6
03:42duration 3 minutes 42 seconds
VM 525-Hepatic porta - hepatic vessels…
VM 525-Hepatic porta - hepatic vessels (Dissection video)
VM 525 Day 5
01:28duration 1 minute 28 seconds
VM 525-Gross anatomy of the biliary system
02:59duration 2 minutes 59 seconds
VM 525-Eq Abd Explor 8 Structures on right side…
VM 525-Eq Abd Explor 8 Structures on right side of abdomen
vm 525 day 12
01:44duration 1 minute 44 seconds
VM 525-Eq Abd Explor 7 Differentiating large…
VM 525-Eq Abd Explor 7 Differentiating large intestine by number of taeniae
VM 525 Day 12
04:17duration 4 minutes 17 seconds
VM 525-Eq Abd Explor 6 Small Colon
06:38duration 6 minutes 38 seconds
VM 525-Eq Abd Explor 5 Large Intestine
VM 525 day 12
02:15duration 2 minutes 15 seconds
VM 525-Eq Abd Explor 4 Small intestine
VM 525 Day 12 prep
00:53duration 53 seconds
VM 525-Eq Abd Explor 3 Internal Topography
06:10duration 6 minutes 10 seconds
VM 525-Eq Abd Explor 2 Cecum
14:46duration 14 minutes 46 seconds
VM 525-Examination of the digestive system of the…
VM 525-Examination of the digestive system of the cow
01:09duration 1 minute 9 seconds
VM 525-Ventral midline structures Dog Dissection…
VM 525-Ventral midline structures Dog Dissection video
VM 525 Day 10 prep