18:36duration 18 minutes 36 seconds
VM 523-Functional Microanatomy of Lymph Nodes
18:08duration 18 minutes 8 seconds
VM 571-Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System…
VM 571-Introduction to Autonomic Nervous System (ANS)
01:12duration 1 minute 12 seconds
VM 517-Pupillary Light Reflex
00:59duration 59 seconds
VM 517-Cotton Ball Tracking
00:51duration 51 seconds
VM 517-Swallowing/Gag Reflex
00:50duration 50 seconds
VM 517-Corneal Reflex
01:00duration 1 minute 0 seconds
VM 517-Vestibular-Ocular Reflex
00:48duration 48 seconds
VM 517-Palpebral Reflex - 1
00:53duration 53 seconds
VM 517-Pelvic Limb Flexion/Withdrawal - Final
VM 517-Thoracic Limb Flexion/Withdrawal - Final
00:45duration 45 seconds
VM 517-Cranial Tibialis Reflex
00:41duration 41 seconds
VM 517-Triceps Reflex
01:22duration 1 minute 22 seconds
VM 517-Cutaneous Trunci Muscle Reflex - 1
00:39duration 39 seconds
VM 517-Perineal Reflex - 2
00:54duration 54 seconds
VM 517-Gastrocnemius Reflex - 1
00:49duration 49 seconds
VM 517-Cranial Tibialis Reflex - 2