31:46duration 31 minutes 46 seconds
VM 530 Parasitology Filarial Nematodes in Dogs…
VM 530 Parasitology Filarial Nematodes in Dogs and Cats (Heartworm) - Mansfield
VM 530-8-23-21 230PM
42:13duration 42 minutes 13 seconds
VM 536-Nematodes of the Respiratory Tract,…
VM 536-Nematodes of the Respiratory Tract, Urinary Bladder and Nervous system
27:43duration 27 minutes 43 seconds
VM 536-Heartworm Infections of Dogs and Cats
27:44duration 27 minutes 44 seconds
VM 530-Heartworm Infections of Dogs and Cats
25:46duration 25 minutes 46 seconds
VM 530-Hookworm of Dogs and Cats-Phylum…
VM 530-Hookworm of Dogs and Cats-Phylum Nemathelminthes-Mansfield