Search for tag: "maple syrup"

Perspectives Session #1: Native Tribal Perspectives & Experiences of Maple Sugaring in Place-Based Teaching and Learning

Session one of the MSU Tollgate Farm Perspectives: Culturally Responsive Place-based Education Series on November 4th from 6:30 - 8:30 PM on Native Tribal Perspectives & Experiences of Maple…

From  Jenny Speyer 112 plays 0  

Managing your farm woodlot Jan 31 2018

Michigan State University Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with managing your farm woodlot" January 31, 2018 Presenters: Julie Crick, MSU Extension & Dale…

From  James D Isleib 414 plays 0  

Maple Syrup Feb 27, 2017

MSU Extension Beginning Farmer Webinar Series "Getting started with maple syryp" February 27, 2017 Presenters: Bob, Sue and Addy Battel, Battel Sugar Bush, Cass City, MI For those…

From  James D Isleib 353 plays 0