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MBA 802 Class 9 - 12:40Zoom Recording ID: 97774042463 UUID: qnHorPiTR6WpsDpsiFUfwg== Meeting Time: 2024-09-25 04:37:30pmGMT
From Kevin Markle
3 plays
MBA 802 Class 3 - 14:20Zoom Recording ID: 97774042463 UUID: /1SmMyNLTmGi+ABjaW0ciQ== Meeting Time: 2024-09-04 04:30:38pmGMT
From Kevin Markle
4 plays
MBA 802 Class 1 - 12:40Zoom Recording ID: 97774042463 UUID: GuiS+MLaS+WQ9gaaik431g== Meeting Time: 2023-08-28 04:38:44pmGMT
From Kevin Markle
20 plays
FIN/HR--Diandra Prutton--MBA21) My story-why MBA.2) How I chose my major.3) My internship search strategy. How did it go? What went well/what didn’t? What did you learn from it? 4) Advice to the…
From Pamela Mars
79 plays
FIN--Charles Fobbs--MBA21) My story-why MBA.2) How I chose my major.3) My internship search strategy. How did it go? What went well/what didn’t? What did you learn from it? 4) Advice to the…
From Pamela Mars
73 plays
SCM--Travis Johnson--MBA21) My story-why MBA.2) How I chose my major.3) My internship search strategy. How did it go? What went well/what didn’t? What did you learn from it? 4) Advice to the…
From Pamela Mars
67 plays
MKT--Jamari Brooks--MBA2_1) My story-why MBA.2) How I chose my major.3) My internship search strategy. How did it go? What went well/what didn’t? What did you learn from it? 4) Advice to the…
From Pamela Mars
74 plays