Search for tag: "one health"

VM 501-Orientation and Introduction to One Health I

VM 501 Orientation, Intro to OH

From  Melinda J Wilkins 300 plays 0  

VM 510-Mechanisms and Surveillance of Antibiotic Resistance-Blankenship

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 176 plays 0  

VM 510-Course Introduction-Wilkins

VM 510 Course Intro/Orientation

From  Melinda J Wilkins 100 plays 0  

VM 504-Measures of Association-Module 10

VM 504 Mod 10 Measures of Association

From  Melinda J Wilkins 273 plays 0  

VM 504-Orientation & Overview

VM 504 Orientation and Overview

From  Melinda J Wilkins 103 plays 0  

VM 504-History of Pasteurization

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 198 plays 0  

VM 504-Looking at Child Malnutrition through One Health Lens

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 77 plays 0  

VM 504-Pet Food Labels and Examples

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 168 plays 0  

VM 507-Rabies 101 Epidemiology-Signs

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 56 plays 0  

VM 507-Rabies PH Response

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 3 plays 0  

VM 501-How veterinarians can and should contribute to health policy making at the local, state, national and international levels -Chaddock

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 241 plays 0  

VM 510-Module 12 Intro Video

VM 510 Mod 8

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 75 plays 0  

VM 510-Zoom 03-18-20

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 13 plays 0  

VM 510-One Health-Welfare-Biosecurity

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 11 plays 0  

VM 501-Mod 5 Role of Gov AH 2

Mod 5 part b Corrected Role of Gov in AH

From  Melinda J Wilkins 659 plays 0  

VM 501-Mod 5 Role of Gov PH

Module 5 of One Health I course Part 1 Role of Gov in Public Health

From  Melinda J Wilkins 729 plays 0