Search for tag: "professional courses"

GIS Simulation of Bear Actvity

This video demonstrates the Bear Activity GIS simulation used in some of our onGEO courses.

From  Beth Weisenborn 469 plays 0  

Welcome message to onGEO-FAA: FAA Part 107 Drone Test Prep & Beyond

Welcome message for FAA Part 107 Drone Test Prep & Beyond by Dr. Yi Shi. This is an elective course offered by onGEO and RS&GIS.

From  Beth Weisenborn 52 plays 0  

Weather and Clouds, Part 2

Video segment on weather and clouds (clouds and levels of the atmosphere) in the Weather module. Course: FAA Part 107 Drone Test Prep & Beyond, onGEO Professional Course. By: Bob Goodwin,…

From  Beth Weisenborn 184 plays 0  

Weather and Clouds, Part 1

Video segment on weather and clouds (describing clouds) in the Weather module. **Caption correction at 2:40: A consistent layer of stratus clouds can be a very good time to fly a U.A.V. assuming…

From  Beth Weisenborn 215 plays 0  

METAR Interpretation

Video segment on interpreting METARs in the Weather module. Course: FAA Part 107 Drone Test Prep & Beyond, onGEO Professional Course. By: Bob Goodwin, RS&GIS at Michigan State University.

From  Beth Weisenborn 115 plays 0  

Sectional Chart Symbology, Part 2

Video segment on sectional-chart symbology (part 2) in the National Airspace module. Course: FAA Part 107 Drone Test Prep & Beyond, onGEO Professional Course. By: Bob Goodwin, RS&GIS at…

From  Beth Weisenborn 203 plays 0  

Sectional Chart Symbology, Part 1

Video segment on sectional-chart symbology (part 1) in the National Airspace module. Course: FAA Part 107 Drone Test Prep & Beyond, onGEO Professional Course. By: Bob Goodwin, RS&GIS at…

From  Beth Weisenborn 146 plays 0  

Airspace Demonstration

Video segment on airspace in the National Airspace module. Course: FAA Part 107 Drone Test Prep & Beyond, onGEO Professional Course. By: Bob Goodwin, RS&GIS at Michigan State University.

From  Beth Weisenborn 157 plays 0  

Applying for a Part 107 Waiver

Video segment on applying for a Part 107 Waiver for s.U.A.S. Operations in the Operations module. Course: FAA Part 107 Drone Test Prep & Beyond, onGEO Professional Course. By: Bob Goodwin,…

From  Beth Weisenborn 103 plays 0  

Video demo on using Google Earth

Google Earth demo video for IGT GEO221v and GEO221Lv. Dr. Yi Shi walks you through using Google Earth for our lab/activity. Please disregard the end-portion that talks about Beijing, the Aral Sea,…

From  Beth Weisenborn 1,063 plays 0  

onGEO-IGT: VIDEO: Applications of Geographic Tools

Dr. Shi introduces Lesson 16: Applications of Geographic Tools in IGT: Intro. to Geospatial Technology (onGEO Professional Certificate Course).

From  Beth Weisenborn 214 plays 0  

onGEO-IGT: VIDEO: Volunteered Geographic Information

Dr. Shi introduces Lesson 15: Volunteered Geographic Information in IGT: Intro. to Geospatial Technology (onGEO Professional Certificate Course).

From  Beth Weisenborn 240 plays 0  

onGEO-IGT: VIDEO: Future of Geospatial Technologies

Dr. Shi introduces Lesson 17: Future of Geospatial Technologies in IGT: Intro. to Geospatial Technology (onGEO Professional Certificate Course).

From  Beth Weisenborn 200 plays 0  

onGEO-IGT: VIDEO: Ethics of Geographic Information

Dr. Shi introduces Lesson 14: Ethics of Geographic Information in IGT: Intro. to Geospatial Technology (onGEO Professional Certificate Course).

From  Beth Weisenborn 242 plays 0  

onGEO-IGT: VIDEO: Data Classification

Dr. Shi introduces Lesson 13: Data Classification in IGT: Intro. to Geospatial Technology (onGEO Professional Certificate Course).

From  Beth Weisenborn 305 plays 0  

Farewell message to onGEO-RS: Remote Sensing

Farewell message for RS: Remote Sensing by Dr. Yi Shi. This is a core course required for earning a Professional Certificate in GIS from onGEO.

From  Beth Weisenborn 355 plays 0