Search for tag: "united nations"
VIEYRA_OST822_GlobalHealthActors_2020-09-27 17-26-44Global Health actors comparison on the following categories: areas of interest, year, headquarters, geographical scope, service role, budgets, current employment. Three actors were selected: Carlos…
From Sabrina Soledad Vieyra
5 plays
VIEYRA_OST822_GoodHealthandWellbeing_2020-09-20 21-20-15Analysis of SDG Goal #3. Good Health and Well-being, with a comparison approach between two countries (one for LATAM and another one from EU)
From Sabrina Soledad Vieyra
2 plays
Does This Place 'Make Sense'? Contradictions in Land-use ChangeDr. Gary examines land conversion from agriculture to housing, using an example in south central Michigan, and contradictions it exposes. This video clip is for GEO 151v, Intro to Human Geography.
From Beth Weisenborn
335 plays