Search for tag: "gloves"

Final New Mix/Spray Task Tutorial

From  Carissa Clark 1 plays 0  

New Mix/Spray Task Tutorial

From  Carissa Clark 9 plays 0  

VM 507-15Oct_1PM_Zoom Session

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 7 plays 0  

VM 580 Closed Gloving

From  College of Veterinary Medicine 1,292 plays 0  

VM 580 Drying Hands Surgical Prep

From  College of Veterinary Medicine 1,352 plays 0  

VM 569 Open Sterile Gloving

From  College of Veterinary Medicine 124 plays 0  

VM 569-Aseptic technique for synoviocenthesis

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 30 plays 0  

Horse Lameness Exam instruments

From  cvmlect CVM Information Technology Center 74 plays 0  

VM 569-Open gloving technique

From  Bea Biddinger 856 plays 0  

Strip Cup

From  Helen Mayer 521 plays 0