56:05duration 56 minutes 5 seconds
Lecture 15.2 Severans & Citizenship
Second half and more is just audio, but using Slides for lecture 15.2 one can follow along.
47:37duration 47 minutes 37 seconds
Lecture 15.1 Gods/Cults/Astrology/Magic
01:09:16duration 1 hour 9 minutes
Lecture 14.2 Slavery, Social Order & Roman Law
01:09:59duration 1 hour 9 minutes
Lecture 14.1 Hadrian & The Antonines
46:14duration 46 minutes 14 seconds
Lecture 13.2 Women in the Roman Empire
37:49duration 37 minutes 49 seconds
Lecture 11.2 City of Rome 2: Consolidation of…
Lecture 11.2 City of Rome 2: Consolidation of Imperial City
01:21:19duration 1 hour 21 minutes
Lecture 11.1 The Flavian Dynasty, Rome & the…
Lecture 11.1 The Flavian Dynasty, Rome & the Jews
41:52duration 41 minutes 52 seconds
Lecture 13.1 Bread & Circuses
Last part got caught off by Zoom failure. I will address it in the following lecture (13.2).
01:00:48duration 1 hour 0 minutes
Lecture 12.2 Pompeii: Sexuality & Economy
46:59duration 46 minutes 59 seconds
Lecture 12.1 Pompeii: Households, Food &…
Lecture 12.1 Pompeii: Households, Food & Drink