23:12duration 23 minutes 12 seconds
HM 837 Module 9 Sexism
49:28duration 49 minutes 28 seconds
WNA: Women's Mental Health and…
WNA: Women's Mental Health and Intersectionality Part 2
During Part 2 of this event, Dr. Abbasi…
01:16:06duration 1 hour 16 minutes
WNA: Women's Mental Health and Intersectionality
The attendees will learn about1. The concept of…
02:06:25duration 2 hours 6 minutes
WACSS Spring Forum 2021 - "From where we…
WACSS Spring Forum 2021 - "From where we stand: leading through intersectionality"
The 2021 annual Spring Forum is intended to…
16:33duration 16 minutes 33 seconds
Who (and What) is Diversity Education For?…
Who (and What) is Diversity Education For? (Patrick Arnold, Spring Teaching Conference)
58:09duration 58 minutes 9 seconds
Intersectionality as Lived Experience, Radical…
Intersectionality as Lived Experience, Radical Theory, and Social Justice Activism | WACSS Anti-Racism Insight Series | NiCole T. Buchanan, PhD
Society and individuals have been slow to…
59:05duration 59 minutes 5 seconds
Monaca Eaton Guest Speaker .mp4
22:42duration 22 minutes 42 seconds
WILD 2020 Student Keynote
26:21duration 26 minutes 21 seconds
Women’s Center of Greater Lansing
The Women’s Center of Greater Lansing…
11:33duration 11 minutes 33 seconds
Module 2 Intro Video