Search for tag: "relations"

Lee Balliet interviewed on October 10th 2018

From  James Voges 12 plays 0  

SD2_1061 April/May 2021


From  James Voges 3 plays 0  

SD2_1048 March/April 2021

From  James Voges 3 plays 0  

MEM_R6_employer_June 8

From  Sejuti Das Gupta 15 plays 0  

The Photographic Collections in Venetian Libraries, Archives, and Museums

This presentation by Margherita Naim on Venetian photography was given on June 14, 2019, as part of the ARLIS/NA IRC Venice Study Tour. In mid-nineteenth century Venice, photographers, collectors,…

From  Bonnie Russell 12 plays 0  

Archiving the Future: John McAndrew's Modernist Art Library at Vassar College

This presentation by Thomas E. Hill on Vassar's Art Library was given on June 14, 2019, as part of the ARLIS/NA IRC Venice Study Tour. Libraries hold records of our cultural heritage as it is…

From  Bonnie Russell 6 plays 0  

A Gift to the Nation: the National Gallery of Art as a Public-Private Partnership

This presentation by Roger Lawson on the National Gallery of Art was given on June 14, 2019, as part of the ARLIS/NA IRC Venice Study Tour. The National Gallery of Art was founded in 1937 following…

From  Meredith Hale 47 plays 0  

Auction Catalogues in Museum Libraries: A Survey

Sybille Hentze's presentation from June 2, 2014 discusses the work of the Albertina in Vienna to collect auction catalogs. The speaker argues for the value of printed catalogs and suggests…

From  Meredith Hale 4 plays 0  

Welcoming Remarks to the 2014 IRC Budapest Study Tour Conference

Anelia Tüü provides opening remarks to the 2014 ARLIS/NA International Relations Committee Study Tour Conference in Budapest. The topic of the conference is "Art Libraries Facing the…

From  Meredith Hale 4 plays 0  

The Efforts of Many: Working Together to Shape our Digital Future

Carole Ann Fabian's presentation from June 2, 2014 discusses how institutions should approach dealing with digital acquisitions. The speaker shares how the Avery Library at Columbia University…

From  Meredith Hale 2 plays 0  

On Digitally Archiving and Documenting Contemporary Art in an Online Database

Andrea Neidhöfer shares the history of and services offered by basis wien in presentation given on June 2, 2014. Related Event: Proceedings of the 2014 IRC Budapest Study Tour Conference

From  Meredith Hale 2 plays 0  

Making the Black Hole Grey: Implementing the NYARC Web Archiving Program of Specialist Art Resources

Deborah Kempe's presentation given on June 2, 2014, shares the repercussions of not prioritizing digital preservation and compares 404 messages to a black hole. Efforts by the NYARC Consortium…

From  Meredith Hale 1 plays 0  

Gottfried Semper, "The Ideal Museum": Beyond Digitalization

Kathrin Pokorny-Nagel's presentation from June 2, 2014, discusses Gottfried Semper's manuscript "Practical Art in Metals and Hard Materials." The manuscript is currently held by…

From  Meredith Hale 44 plays 0  

Beyond the Digital Paradigm: Collective Collections & Services

Tony White's presentation from June 2, 2014, focuses on projects led by the Decker Library of MICA that address student needs and information seeking behaviors. Projects discussed include a…

From  Meredith Hale 3 plays 0  

Automatic Publication of Library Data into the Semantic Web: the Description of the ALIADA Project

Ádám Horváth's presention from June 2, 2014 discusses the ALIADA project at the Museum of Fine Arts, Hungary. The ALIADA project aims to develop open source tools to…

From  Meredith Hale 2 plays 0  

Linking Digital Contents: the Concept of the New Online Collection Browser of the Museum of Fine Arts - Hungarian National Gallery

Julia Katona's presentation from June 2, 2014 discusses the theoretical approach of the Museum of Fine Arts in Hungary to implementing a integrated collection management system. …

From  Meredith Hale 6 plays 0