Search for tag: "seminar"

Alice Dykstra Defense Seminar - Restoring insects and their ecosystem services through landscape-scale conservation

Friday, August 23rd 2024 PhD Defense Seminar Alice Dykstra - Kellogg Biological Station, Michigan State University Restoring insects and their ecosystem services through landscape-scale…

From  Daniel Gorentz 9 plays 0  

Eminent Ecologist - Haldre Rogers - July 3rd 2024

Wednesday, July 3rd 2024 KBS Eminent Ecologist Seminar Dr Haldre Rogers - Virginia Tech The Importance of Animal-Mediated Seed Dispersal for the Maintenance of Plant Diversity

From  Daniel Gorentz 1 plays 0  

Eminent Ecologist - Haldre Rogers - July 1st 2024

Monday, July 1st 2024 KBS Eminent Ecologist Seminar Dr Haldre Rogers - Virginia Tech The cascading ecological impacts and management of an invasive predator on a colonized island

From  Daniel Gorentz 4 plays 0  

Eminent Ecologist - Ximena Bernal - June 5th 2024

Wednesday June 5th, 2024 KBS Eminent Ecologist Seminar Dr Ximena Bernal - Perdue University Walking into the Unknown: An insider's view of the career of an ecologist who loves frogs

From  Daniel Gorentz 1 plays 0  

Eminent Ecologist - Ximena Bernal - June 3rd 2024

Monday June 3rd, 2024 KBS Eminent Ecologist Seminar Dr Ximena Bernal - Perdue University Ornaments, Enemies & Sensory Filters in the Eco-Evo of Communication Systems

From  Daniel Gorentz 0 plays 0  

Corinn Rutkoski Defense Seminar - Belowground dynamics of prairie strips in Midwest US cropping systems

May 3rd, 2025 PhD Defense Seminar Corinn Rutkoski, Michigan State University Belowground dynamics of prairie strips in Midwest US cropping systems

From  Daniel Gorentz 7 plays 0  

Grant Falvo Defense Seminar - On radiative forcing and land use change: Causes, consequences, and solutions

April 3rd, 2024 PhD Defense Seminar Grant Falvo, Michigan State University On radiative forcing and land use change: Causes, consequences, and solutions

From  Daniel Gorentz 9 plays 0  

Dessert with Discussion - Jason Rowntree - Metrics, Management and Monitoring in Grazing Systems

KBS Dessert with Discussion - Thursday March 21st, 2024 Dr. Jason Rowntree, Michigan State University Metrics, Management and Monitoring in Grazing Systems

From  Daniel Gorentz 65 plays 0  

Isabela Borges Defense Seminar - the effects of dispersal, inbreeding, and mutualisms on the fitness of fragmented populations

February 5th, 2024 PhD Defense Seminar Isabela Borges, Michigan State University "the effects of dispersal, inbreeding, and mutualisms on the fitness of fragmented populations"

From  Daniel Gorentz 2 plays 0  

Desset with Discussion - Evans Lab - Simply Soils

KBS Dessert with Discussion - Monday March 15th, 2021 Sarah Evans, Jennifer Jones, and Tayler Ulbrich - Evans Lab, Kellogg Biological Station Simply Soils with Sarah Evans, Jennifer Jones, and…

From  Daniel Gorentz 3 plays 0  

Dessert with Discussion - Sarah Fitzpatrick - Genetic rescue to the rescue? A case study in the endangered Mitchell's Satyr Butterfly

KBS Dessert with Discussion - Tuesday October 24th, 2023 Dr. Sarah Fitzpatrick, Michigan State University Genetic rescue to the rescue? A case study in the endangered Mitchell's Satyr…

From  Daniel Gorentz 19 plays 0  

Eminent Ecologist - Serita Frey - July 13th 2023

July 13th, 2023 KBS Eminent Ecologist Seminar Dr. Serita Frey - University of New Hampshire Going Underground Part 2: Unearthing the Role of Microbial Traits on Soil Organic Matter Dynamics

From  Daniel Gorentz 2 plays 0  

Eminent Ecologist - Serita Frey - July 11th 2023

July 11th, 2023 KBS Eminent Ecologist Seminar Dr. Serita Frey - University of New Hampshire Going Underground Part 1: Unearthing the Role of Roots and the Soil Microbiome in a Warmer, Fertilized…

From  Daniel Gorentz 5 plays 0  

Eminent Ecologist - Aaron Ellison - June 29th 2023

June 29th, 2023 KBS Eminent Ecologist Seminar Dr. Aaron Ellison - Senior Research Fellow in Ecology, Emeritus - Harvard Deep time and posthuman aesthetics cast a different light on the planetary…

From  Daniel Gorentz 18 plays 0  

Tayler Ulbrich Defense Seminar - Mechanisms to management: understanding plant-microbial interactions and soil health for sustainable agriculture

December 2nd, 2022 Defense Seminar Tayler Ulbrich, Michigan State University Mechanisms to management: understanding plant-microbial interactions and soil health for sustainable agriculture

From  Daniel Gorentz 12 plays 0  

Dessert with Discussion - Alisha Shah - Can Insects take the Heat?

KBS Dessert with Discussion - Tuesday October 18th, 2022 Dr. Alisha Shah, Michigan State University Can Insects take the Heat?

From  Daniel Gorentz 17 plays 0